Volume XXII |

Environmental potential of Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes for Dengue haemorrhagic fever in Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Abstract: Dengue fever is frequently considered a common fever, and this misconception carries the highest risk of fatality. Dengue haemorrhagic fever is still one of Riau Province’s unsolved diseases. This is one of the reasons why this study is necessary to identify prospective mosquito environmental zones with major significance for understanding epidemic transmission in the Pekanbaru City area. The bivariate statistical approach was employed in this research. The aim is to link environmental physical factors to data on the occurrence of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Pekanbaru City. The area under the curve for the correlation between the environment and the distribution of dengue haemorrhagic fever was 0.76 for the rainfall parameter, with 0.68 for the area under the curve derived from the air humidity parameter. The establishment of six environmental indicators resulted in a weight of evidence value of 10,467 to -35,693 for the mosquito’s environmental potential. Meanwhile, the most favourable potential zone, which encompasses 5,935 ha, accounts for 9.18% of the overall area. Areas with the highest risk of spreading Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were found around the city center, both residential and office areas. The risk of dengue haemorrhagic fever transmission in this zone is higher than in the other three zones. By taking earlier events into account, this knowledge can be one of the early preventions in understanding the environmental structure of the Aedes aegypti mosquito habitat.

Volume XXII |

Protected areas as recreational zones for nearby cities – the case study of the city of Vršac

Abstract: The fast-paced life has led many people to practise more frequent and shorter trips to nature. City dwellers are particularly inclined to this. Protected areas (PAs), especially those in the vicinity of cities, provide a good opportunity for one-day excursions and nature-based recreation. The paper presents the results of research aimed at determining how many city dwellers in Serbia use the surrounding PAs for this kind of activities. On a random sample of 247 residents of the City of Vršac above the age of 15, the survey method, with the help of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (descriptive statistics, Chi-Square Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test), confirmed the research hypothesis that the utilization of these areas for recreation purposes was insufficient. Based on this and four additional hypotheses that were tested, conclusions are drawn that will serve to define guidelines for the development of excursion tourism in the studied areas and enrich the scarce local scholarly literature on the utilization of PAs for recreation by the urban population.

Volume XXII |

The role of landscape character analysis in supporting urban tourism sites in Amman

Abstract: Historical and modern urban sites are important attraction points for the city, being considered a favourite destination for residents and tourists. The result of interaction between people and nature on these sites is the landscape, its unique character defining the identity of the place. The landscape character depends on several features, including topography, climate, biodiversity, and the site itself. The landscape character analysis gives a classification based on the characteristics and determinants of the area and highlights the natural strengths and attractions in each area. In this study, the tourism sites in Amman were chosen because of their social, economic, and historical importance as sites located in the capital city and to assess the urban landscape character and determine the function of the tourism sites in the city. To assess the landscape function of the area, an evaluation was made, considering criteria such as: Recreational Activities, Traditional Built Environment, Nature and Landscape Features, History and Heritage, Accessibility, Infrastructure, and Facilities. Score levels were given according to the intensities of the criteria in the neighborhoodsneighbourhoods within the borders of Greater Amman Municipality, as low, medium, and high according to field surveys at the sites by researchers. The desired result of the study is to make a comprehensive assessment of the importance of the landscape character in attracting tourism to Amman, identifying areas with a high density of landscapes, and drawing up a plan to capitalize on them and highlight their importance to the city.

Volume XXII |

A statistical analysis of temperature and precipitation in Belgrade, Serbia (1961-2020)

Abstract: The most significant effects of climate change are related to temperature and precipitation. Changes in precipitation and temperature patterns affect water resource capacity, agricultural activities, global biodiversity and emergency management. In this study, using two statistical models (Mann-Kendall and Pettit’s test), climate data for the territory of Belgrade in the time interval 1961-2020 were processed. Trends were analyzed: average annual temperatures, average monthly temperatures, annual and monthly precipitation amounts. The aim of the research is to determine the statistical significance of the increasing/decreasing temperature and precipitation trends on a monthly and annual basis. Based on the obtained results, it was determined that the changing point of the annual temperature is in 1997, while a statistically significant increasing trend was observed in all months except November. The increasing trend recorded by the precipitation amount is 0.345 mm/year, but without statistical significance. The most significant results corresponding to July and October.

Volume XXII |

The changing river course and its impact on riverine society: A case study on the Padma River, Murshidabad District, West Bengal (India)

Abstract: River bank erosion within Murshidabad district is a tragedy, which happens haphazardly along the bank of the Padma River system. The main objective of the study is to analyze the changing river course and its impact on society. By comparing the toposheet and Landsat (5 and 8) images of the Padma River of the Murshidabad district from the years 1924, 1990, and 2020, it is clearly observed that there have been significant changes on the southern portion of the river since 1924 (Bhagawangola II, Raninagar II, and Jalangi Block), while less changes occur on the central part of the river, which is near the Lalgola block. But in the year 2020 significant changes have been found in the northern and middle portion of the district near Samserganj and Lalgola block. Those parts belong to a highly vulnerable zone of bank erosion. This study analyzed some factors, such as soil stratification of the river bank and human encroachment as an obstruction to the natural river flow, also responsible for bank failure. The river has been consuming the vast portions of the right bank every year due to its increasing sinuosity. The victims are mostly in the Samserganj, Lalgola, Bhagawangola II, Raninagar II and Jalangi blocks, who suffered greatly from 1924 to 2020 due to moving of river course by 27% on the right side, which is notified from cross sectional analysis. Additionally, the predicted erosional impact of the region highlights the socio-economic perspective of the research area.