- Biogeography (19)
- Climatology (35)
- Environment (71)
- Geomorphology (55)
- GIS and Remote Sensing (15)
- Human and economic geography (59)
- Hydrology (53)
- Regional geography (42)
- Tourism (39)
- Various (30)
Abstract: Snow avalanches are a major natural hazard threatening human life and infrastructure in mountainous areas. They have a sudden onset and involve the rapid transport of large masses of snow and ice down on steep slopes. Thus, it is essential for risk management activities to understand avalanche activity, frequency and triggers. In this study, the dendrogeomorphic method was used to analyse an avalanche path in the Țarcu Mountains (the Southern Carpathians) in order to reconstruct the spatio-temporal activity of past snow avalanches. The reconstruction was based on the dating of growth disturbances caused by the mechanical impact of snow avalanches on trees. A total of 186 increment cores were analysed, resulting in the identification of 374 growth disturbances, including traumatic resin ducts, reaction wood, growth suppression and scars. In a chronology spanning 101 years in Picea abies, 13 events with It between 10-20% and 6 events with It between 20-40% were reconstructed over the period 1965-2021. The frequency of snow avalanche events was calculated, resulting in an average of 17.7 years. The climatic parameters were analysed for the event years exhibiting the strongest signal. The occurrence of avalanches was associated with warmer weather and rainy days. Event year 2010 is evidenced by a tragic incident in which two individuals lost their lives in the vicinity of the Țarcu weather station. Eleven events are synchronous with those analysed in other avalanche paths, while the event year 2005 is synchronous in nine other avalanche paths.
Abstract: As a type of coastal vegetation, mangroves are valuable, unique, and vulnerable. Mangrove ecosystems have a distinctive vegetation structure, which consists of several characteristics sequentially, such as trees, saplings, poles, and seedlings. This study aims to assess and monitor the structure and composition of mangrove vegetation in Makassar City, South Sulawesi. Field surveys were conducted to measure and monitor mangroves in two different areas, namely coastal areas and small islands. The highest mangrove density is at Station 2, which is 0.59 ind/m2, which is a river area. The station with the lowest density is at Station 1, which has a value of 0.23 ind/m2, which is a coastal area. Avicennia marina, Rhizophora apiculata and Acanthus ilicifolius were found to have the highest importance value index. Location 1 is the least stable because it only has the Avicennia marina mangrove species. Meanwhile, at location 3 (Lakkang Island, a small island), there are variations in the value of each index, although it is still in the low category. This means that in general, each research location has a less stable ecosystem. Furthermore, this study can contribute to conservation, biodiversity assessment, and sustainable mangrove ecosystem management strategies.
Abstract: Diospyros celebica Bakh and Rhyticeros cassidix are known to be associated in several locations in Sulawesi. Both of these species are endemic to Indonesia that live throughout the island of Sulawesi. Species Distribution Modeling using Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) is considered an alternative way to understand the potential area suitable for a species. Model predictions from MaxEnt for all species have an AUC value of 0.887 and 0.837. Suitable habitat for D. celebica Bakh in Central Sulawesi (Morowali Utara, and The southern coast of Banggai) and South Sulawesi (Luwu Timur, Luwu Utara, Toraja Utara, Barru, Pangkep, Maros, Sidrap, Wajo, Sidenreng Rappang, and Gowa). However, the suitable habitat for D. celebica Bakh and R. cassidix in the association is much smaller. Environmental variables that are considered important that influence the occurrence of D. celebica Bakh are Soil Types, especially soil types Dystric Fluvisols, Eutric Fluvisols, Or-thic Luvisols, Orthic Acrisols, Eutric Cambisols, rainfall, and bio13. While R. cassidix is affected by distance from roads, distance from settlements, and distance from rivers, based on actual data points and habitat predictions. Most of the suitable habitat for D. celebica Bakh and R. cassidix is estimated to be outside the conservation area, but the suitable habitat is estimated in 8 functional status conservation areas. These results can be used by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for determination.
Abstract: The fast-paced life has led many people to practise more frequent and shorter trips to nature. City dwellers are particularly inclined to this. Protected areas (PAs), especially those in the vicinity of cities, provide a good opportunity for one-day excursions and nature-based recreation. The paper presents the results of research aimed at determining how many city dwellers in Serbia use the surrounding PAs for this kind of activities. On a random sample of 247 residents of the City of Vršac above the age of 15, the survey method, with the help of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (descriptive statistics, Chi-Square Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test), confirmed the research hypothesis that the utilization of these areas for recreation purposes was insufficient. Based on this and four additional hypotheses that were tested, conclusions are drawn that will serve to define guidelines for the development of excursion tourism in the studied areas and enrich the scarce local scholarly literature on the utilization of PAs for recreation by the urban population.
Abstract: Geodiversity is considered as a complex indicator of the abiotic environment. On the example of information about Golo Bardo Mountain (Western Bulgaria), the article emphasizes the need to develop methods for quantitative assessment of the geodiversity of an area to minimize the subjective nature of the assessment by defining clear criteria that can be quantified. The complex geodiversity assessment of the investigated area was made based on the analysis of lithology, soils, topographic features and drainage network. The analysis is done in a GIS environment. Topographic settings are analysed on the base of digital elevation model with a cell size of 30 m using Spatial Analyst Tools. The elevation model is used for calculating the terrain roughness, slope gradients and aspects of the slopes. Geological component is evaluated considering the petrographic composition of the area. The variety of the abiotic components is calculated by application of grid method (cell size 1000 x 1000 m), using Focal statistics tool, neighborhood type “Variety”. Fuzzy logic is suggested to be used for comparison of areas located in different regions and with different landscape conditions.The results of the geodiversity assessment show that most of the area of the Golo Bardo mountain has moderate geodiversity index. The method used in the article gives reliable results with minimal subjectivity, that can be used for assessment of the distribution of the geodiversity on a particular area and allow to compare different territorial units. The results obtained in the current study show good correlation between areas with high and moderate geodiversity index, and areas with high biodiversity values. The applied methodology and the visualization of the geodiversity index allow for easy understanding of geodiversity by a wide range of stakeholders, even non-geoscientists, and can be successfully applied in the planning of geotourism activities.
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