- Biogeography (18)
- Climatology (34)
- Environment (67)
- Geomorphology (51)
- GIS and Remote Sensing (15)
- Human and economic geography (57)
- Hydrology (52)
- Regional geography (42)
- Tourism (38)
- Various (30)
Abstract: Threats to biodiversity are diverse and the management of these threats is a major research direction in the conservation of biological diversity. Determining the status of a species is essential in identifying those in danger of becoming extinct and also to establish conservation priorities. For the management of all types of threats that manifest themselves for certain species of community interest in the Iron Gates Natural Park, we must first understand their causes and effects. Conservationists are increasingly interested in determining threats to biological communities, this being an important part of territorial and environmental planning strategies. The analysis undertaken for some geographical areas showed that the most important threats are the socio-economic and demographic variables, the fragmentation, destruction and degradation of habitats through various practices, the introduction of non-native species, illegal hunting or overfishing. In this context, for elaborating sustainable patterns of habitat management we must analyze and prioritize the threats that we are dealing with. The method requires an inventory of the main threats in the Iron Gates Natural Park, the threats for certain Species of Community Interest (Tulipa hungarica, Colchicum arenarium, Pulsatilla grandis). We have also applied a method used by WWF in order to achieve a hierarchy of the main threats and to establish logical and efficient actions that can be locally applicable.
Abstract: Open dumps was the main option of the local communities in household waste management, this practice being banned after July 16, 2009. The paper examines the correlation between dumpsites volumes, population density and local geographical conditions in the context that in most rural administrative-territorial units of the county there were no facilities for waste collection. The geographical distribution of dumpsites volumes reflects the disparities between different areas of the county and on the other hand, it highlights the spaces exposed to pollution. Also, the comparative analysis between 2004 (pre-accession) and 2009 (post-accession) reflects a rudimentary waste management system in this period which favored the waste dumping. This paper analyses the issues of rural waste management and its environmental implications at local scale. Such approaches are necessary for a proper analysis of EU environmental policies implementation at regional and local level.
Abstract: Demographic transition over recent decades has led to population decline as well as changes in fertility and mortality rates and household structure in Serbia. Negative natural growth and large scale emigration were partly compensated by refugee flows from the former Yugoslav republics, but this large refugee inflow will not have significant impact on the future demographic changes of Serbia. In the light of the first results of the 2011 Census of population, households and dwellings in Serbia, this paper is focused on contemporary and past population trends and their implications. Along with depopulation, there has also been a decrease in number of households, whereas there has been an increase in the number of settlements with small number of population and the ones without inhabitants, with large regional demographic differences. Significant changes in population pose a number of economic and social challenges for the society and government in the field of public finances, pension fund, health insurance etc., but also in domain of spatial planning and regional development.
Abstract: Livestock rearing not only helps agriculture and production of manure, but also the production of milk and meat. After the first and second Green revolution, the importance of livestock in India goes beyond the function of food production. It is an important source of draught power, manure for crop production and fuel for domestic use. Thus, by minimizing use of non-renewable energy, livestock make a positive contribution to the environment. Although crops and livestock are interdependent to a large extent, the latter constitute an important mechanism for coping with the risks of crop failure. In land-scarce economies, livestock provide livelihood support in terms of income and employment generation to the millions of landless and small landholder.The present study also tries to investigate the role of livestock husbandry in the socio-economic development of an agricultural district of north India. The study reveals that Mahamaya Nagar district has witnessed considerable change in livestock sector. The role of livestock in providing food, livelihood and ensuring sustainable cropping system is evident. Livestock rearing is mostly practiced by the unprivileged and the deprived social groups and it gives employment to the rearers. Thus, the study reveals the importance of the livestock rearing and its impact upon the development of the Mahamaya Nagar district.
Abstract: The touristic regionalization, in most cases, is performed by taking into account the tourism potential as main reference, in this respect numerous methodologies having attempted to quantify as balanced as possible both the natural tourism potential and the man-made one. Beyond its great theoretical importance, their actual, practical and statistical value is yet limited, given that all economic and socio-political analyses, reports and comparisons have a mandatory administrative dimension, too. These present realities constitute the main reason why we believe that a deepening of regionalization which takes into consideration, more than others made so far, the administrative component, on the one hand, and the actual revaluation, on the other hand, embodied in the existence of specific infrastructure, which together with the tourism potential shall determine the attraction of tourist flows. In this respect, we tried to consider, to share and to model a large number of indicators to reach an outcome which provides a more real, synthetic and complete image (8 data sets were structured and combined, calculating 13 indicators, subsequently synthesized into 5, which led to the preparation of maps: afterwards these were overlapped for county level, respectively their average at the level of development regions. Such a regionalization also reflects the real role that tourism plays in the economic balance of counties, respectively development regions.
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