- Biogeography (19)
- Climatology (35)
- Environment (71)
- Geomorphology (55)
- GIS and Remote Sensing (15)
- Human and economic geography (59)
- Hydrology (53)
- Regional geography (42)
- Tourism (39)
- Various (30)
Abstract: The post-communist period meant for the city of Timișoara a complex and difficult stage of restructuring urban evolution, of moving from centralized development to development based on the principles of the market economy. The solutions were not simple, especially in the conditions of limited city resources, and often contradictory developments did not take long to appear. The present article tries to capture these contradictory developments and highlight the current urban development dilemmas that the city authorities together with the decision-makers must solve. It is primarily about the rehabilitation of the huge historical spaces that the city has inherited and at the same time the acute need for urban renewal. Secondly, the city of Timișoara is facing a huge increase in road traffic, for which expensive investments in road infrastructure are needed, but on the other hand, the city also needs numerous investments for public transport. And thirdly, Timișoara currently has a strong trend of urban expansion and cumulative density decrease at the same time as an underutilization of available spaces within the city.
Abstract: Water transparency is a primary indicator used to evaluate the status of marine ecosystems. Although a subjective measure, Secchi Depth (ZSD) is one of the “oldest” and most widely used optical parameters in studies that focus on surface water clarity, with probably millions of observations available in the last century. As recent satellite observa-tions do not cover such extended periods from the past, a comprehensive understanding of the spatio-temporal dy-namics of water transparency requires consistent historical data. In this regard, the present study aims to integrate in-formation from archives of in situ ZSD measurements available for the entire Black Sea. Several potential sources were investigated. Among them, two were identified to have historical measurements of ZSD in the Black Sea, SeaDataNet and Black Sea Ecosystem Processes and Forecasting / Operational Database Management System (NATO SfP ODBMS). A database with all available observations was aggregated for this study, containing a total of 5100 records between 1960 and 2016. The analysis of the spatial variability of ZSD was performed based on a square grid of 30 km x 30 km covering the entire Black Sea region. For each cell, statistics such as the average and the number of ZSD measurements were calculated. Moreover, the spatial and temporal homogeneity of the in-situ observations are assessed and dis-cussed.
Abstract: The commune of Po in Burkina Faso is an area with high agroecological potential and favorable climatic context. These assets make the commune one of the preferred destinations for agropastoral population, in search of better living conditions. This situation has an impact on the dynamics of land use and land cover. The aim of this study is to assess the nature of land cover as well as the intensity of their use over the last two decades (2003-2023). Changes were detected using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). The methodology is based on supervised classification by maximum likelihood, which has made it possible to highlight land use and land cover classes. The transition matrix, and the conversion and expansion rates derived from it, indicate that the various land-use units in Po have changed between 2003 and 2023. Vegetation formations (wooded savannah and gallery forest) have declined overall, to the benefit of farms, which have increased by 28.64%. This knowledge of the dynamics of land cover and land use in Po is helping to provide local authorities and technical services with a better understanding of the mechanisms and strategies to be implemented for effective management of the commune’s natural resources.
Abstract: In urban areas, gas stations can be classified as some of the most widespread hazardous locations. This is due to the flammable or explosive potential of the products sold here, such as gasoline, diesel, and LPG, and the impact of handling hazardous substances on the environment and public health. Closing a gas station without taking all necessary minimum measures poses a potential hazard to the surrounding environment and the population’s health and safety. The present study identifies the sites of former fuel distribution stations and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) refuelling stations in Timișoara. All publicly available information regarding their recognised environmental conditions (RECs) was analysed. Google Maps or Google Earth images were used to confirm the presence of fuel distribution or LPG activities at these locations. Nine non-functional gas stations and LPG stations were identified, some of which have long been disused with minimal physical evidence of their economic activity, while others were more recently closed but still retain their facilities or associated buildings on-site. A detailed assessment of the environmental conditions was conducted for six of these locations.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze gully erosion processes and their management in the Trivale Forest Park. Although the inclusion of gullies in the category of risk phenomena is still debated, due to their spatial extent and evolution, both longitudinally and vertically, they can pose concern to woody vegetation by altering slope stability. This is the case of the Trivale Forest Park, situated in Pitești city, where gully erosion has been affecting tree growth and recreational activities, such as hiking or cycling, which has led to the implementation of erosion control measures and hydrotechnical structures. By carrying out field observations and cartographic analyses, the research has/proposes/seeks to support two objectives: firstly, to establish the impact of erosion processes on the valleys’ and slopes’ balance by evaluating the type of erosion processes and resulting features and secondly, to assess the exposure of the Trivale Forest area to erosional forms, by using GIS and the frequency ratio (FR) techniques. The results of the multicriteria analysis highlighted, in good agreement with the field observations, the areas most susceptible to slope erosion processes.
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