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Abstract: The analysis of the relationships between groundwater and terrestrial ecosystems contributes to the conservation of biodiversity and the quantitative and qualitative status of the aquifer.The main goal of the paper is to analyze the relationships between the phreatic aquifer of ROIL16 (Vlăsia Plain) and the six Natura 2000 habitats from the Site of Community Importance (SCI) ROSCI0224 Scroviștea. This work is based on hydrogeological, geological data, mathematical modeling of the phreatic aquifer (October 17-19, 2017), and the methodology used for study the relationship between groundwater bodies and terrestrial ecosystems, developed by the R.A.H. (2015). The evaluation of the dependence (high – A, medium – B, nule – C) relations, between the phreatic aquifer and the habitats, is made mainly by correlating the depth of the hydrostatic level with the depth of the root system of plant and tree species. The main findings based on the hydrogeological, ecological criteria, and analysis algorithms highlight the fact that most habitats and later the Scroviștea site are dependent on groundwater. The six Natura 2000 habitats (3150, 3160, 91M0, 91F0, 91E0 și 92A0) are analyzed individually concerning the depth of the groundwater level. In the evaluation of the degrees of dependence of the habitats, two other criteria are applied, maximum and arithmetic mean about their extension surface. Thus, four habitats (91M0, 91F0, 91E0, and 92A0) are identified with high dependence on groundwater, and two habitats (3150 and 3160) with nule dependence. Considering only this stage of analysis, it was considered that the SCI Scroviștea has a high dependence on the phreatic aquifer.For a correct assessment of the dependence relations between groundwater and habitats, analyzes related to the hydrodynamic and hydrochemical regime of the groundwater aquifer and the correlation of this information with analyzes from specialized studies performed for plant and tree species are required.
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