Abstract: There is lack of data about allergic morbidity on neighborhood; city district or micro regional levels, thus increasing focus have been put on morbidity of localities in epidemiological and health geographical studies. The aim of the study is to outline the best possible empirical research methods for allergic morbidity. Self-assessment based survey was made twice in Kecskemét, Hunyadiváros district of 8000 inhabitants, Hungary, to elucidate the allergic prevalence. The survey units were the households, but the analysis was made on the diseased people. Firstly 419 members of 148 households and secondly, during the repeated survey 401 members of 138 households were asked. Two-staged multistage sampling had been made, at first, one third of the district’s streets had been chosen randomly. Secondly according to the size of the streets a probability proportionate to size sampling method was used. Almost 40% of the households and 20% of the researched group showed allergic morbidity. According to the results, it can be assert, that around 20% of the population of Hunyadiváros district suffers from some kind of allergic disease, which is overwhelmingly larger than official statistical data shows.