
Human and economic geography

Volume XXI |

The relationship between net migration and financial inclusion in Romania

Abstract: Romania has been going through a unique demographic transition resulting in depopulation, partially due to consistently high emigration and low immigration rates. The population leaving has been predominantly those of working age. At the same time, Romania has also seen a stagnated financial inclusion growth rate between 2011 and 2017. This research explores the relationship between the age-group-specific net migration rates and age-group-specific financial inclusion rates provided by Findex. These age groups, which have a significantly strong relationship between net migration and financial inclusion, illustrate the impact of migration on financial inclusion rates. Age groups 25-29, 35-39, 40-44, and 45-49 have shown significantly strong inverse correlations between net migration and financial inclusion.

Volume XXI |

Urban public transport development in Poland in 2004-2020 Co-financed by EU: geography and disparities

Abstract: This paper deals with the projects in the field of urban public transport, which were implemented in Poland after its entrance to the European Union with financial support from the European Regional Development Fund, European Cohesion Fund, and Connecting Europe Facility instrument. These projects were classified by type of activities and main transport mode, and their geography across the country was considered. Urban public transport projects supported by the EU, no doubt, changed the face of a lot of Polish cities and towns in recent years. Despite this fact, they were distributed very unevenly throughout the country.

Volume XX |

Linking smallholder fish farmers to output markets: the dominance of collectors in aquaculture of Tam Giang lagoon, Central Vietnam

Abstract: Market access plays an important role in increasing smallholder’s income; however, informal markets are typical in developing countries. Traders often dominate agricultural markets. In Vietnam aquaculture, collectors are important actors and act as an intermediary in linking farmers and buyers. This research aimed to explore and analysis the functions and the dominance of collectors in linking with smallholder fish farmers in Tam Giang lagoon, central Vietnam. The qualitative research is applied through 55 semi-structured interviews including smallholder fish farmers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers, officers of local government and second information from statistic data and reports. The research findings showed that linking of smallholder fish farmers to output market has dependence on collectors while all aquatic products have to pass on collectors before distributing to next buyers. Collectors always have strategies to maintain the relationship with smallholders and they always have an advantage status in aquaculture value chain. Collectors are also considered as a barrier of smallholder farmers to access potential marketing channels. Informal transaction and trust are characterized in the interaction between collectors and smallholders.

Volume XX |

How is COVID-19 reshaping temporary and circular labour migration: Serbia and North Macedonia perspectives

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused migrant workers worldwide to face numerous and specific challenges. This study aims to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic and its societal impact have influenced temporary and circular migrants from Serbia and North Macedonia. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 50 participants to gain a deeper understanding of their challenges and migration practices. Temporary circular labour migration from Serbia and North Macedonia are most intensive towards EU countries, which are geographically close and well-connected by traffic, and with which migrants have well-established migration ties. The results show that after the outbreak of the pandemic, respondents faced termination of employment contracts, reduced working hours and earnings. Most of the respondents returned and only a few found formal employment in the country of origin. Job-related impacts of COVID-19 on respondents are determined by temporary residence, a form of employment and the employment sector. Temporary and circular migrant workers from Serbia and North Macedonia involved in the essential sectors in EU countries are less likely to be severely affected by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results suggest that temporary and circular migration schemes should be improved after the pandemic, in a way that is sustainable even in times of sudden changes. In that regard, in addition to considering the needs of the labour markets of countries of origin and destination, the needs and the rights of migrants, should be prioritized in common solutions.

Volume XIX |

Status of housing condition, household amenities and assets in rural-urban fringe of Faizabad city, India

Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to examine the effect of urbanization on housing conditions and access to basic amenities in rural urban fringe of Faizabad city. Food, clothing and shelter are the basic needs for the survival of human beings. Although food and clothing have their own importance, however, the need of better housing conditions cannot be ignored. The inadequacy of housing conditions affects the quality of life and social well-being. Rural- urban fringe generally has unique characteristics. The mixture zone is characterized by both traditional and new houses with all facilities. This study is mainly based on secondary sources of data collected from the village directory and housing listing tables from the census of India. The paper reveals that the overall better housing conditions and housing amenities exist only in primary fringe. Thus, this paper suggests some remedial measures for improving the overall housing conditions in rural-urban fringe of Faizabad city.