Perceived capitalisation of Wi-Fi as a free service at locations of accommodation establishments from Maramureș Land using score data and mobile signal coverage data
Abstract: Travelers nowadays expect to have a proper, constant, and free internet connection at their disposal almost everywhere, with the Wi-Fi service offered as a standard in tourist lodgings. Such is the importance of the service, that the issue of free internet access has become a crucial booking factor to be considered in the pre-reservation stage. The main working hypothesis argues that online booking platforms offer insights regarding the capitalization of internet connectivity in accommodation establishments as a free service. Focusing on a rural tourism destination, the Land of Maramureș, northern Romania as a case study, the paper proposes an empirical methodological framework designed in a GIS environment that concentrates on two key variables – the mobile aggregated signal coverage data in the study area as an independent variable, sourced from the map of mobile signal coverage in Romanian settlements developed by ANCOM (the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications) and the Wi-Fi secondary scores as the dependent variable, sourced from score data to test the above working hypothesis. The testing of the working hypothesis was performed using spatial processing and analysis methods such Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation (IDW) and Regression Analysis.