- Biogeography (19)
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Abstract: The study of flood risk in Algerian cities has become essential given the multiple issues at stake (urbanization, urban sprawl, easements, infrastructure, soil structure, etc.), which constitute vulnerable elements, as well as their frequen-cy and repetition in time and space. This has become a problem for the city and the urban environment, particularly in large metropolises such as Constantine. The watershed of Oued Ziad located in the northwestern part of the city of Constantine has experienced exceptional flooding, causing loss of life and property in the Jebli Ahmed agglomeration in the Hamma Bouziane township. The main objective of this research is to identify the factors aggravating the risk of flooding in the Oued Ziad watershed, to analyze the frequency of maximum daily rainfall to determine peak flows for different return periods of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 1000 years, and to map the extent of the flood hazard in the Oued Ziad watershed for a centennial flow, using geographic information systems and HecRas software. The simulation results show the overflow of Oued Ziad on national road N°27, affecting a part of the agglomeration located downstream by a centennial peak flow equal to 50. 98 m3/s and a water height exceeding 3 m, which confirms the extent of the area exposed to risk during the flood that occurred on 19/9/2018. The field survey shows that several anthropic factors in-crease the risk of flooding while the capacity of the existing hydraulic structures is insufficient to evacuate water during floods, which requires the development of this watercourse and its banks to protect the population and its property from the risk of flooding and to reduce the impact on the city’s environment and socio-economic activities.
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