Volume XI |

Identity and sustainable development in rural tourism

Abstract: There are many studies talking about the “anonymity” in which our country is sinking, in terms of international tourist identity, of the symbols that define us. We have never known how to promote ourselves using the unique elements that we have and not because we do not have these unique features, but because it is possible that we do not know or we have forgotten what really represents us. There were several initiatives, some of them recent and costly to create and promote a country brand, starting from tourism, but these did not have the expected impact. Why did not have the expected impact? Have we got an element/several elements that may render a sustainable image, not a temporary one, for us and for the Romanian rural tourism? Are the village, the traditions, and the gastronomy authentic elements of tourist identity for the Romanian village as an element within the tourist offer? What symbols, values, ideas, feelings, places, emotions, personalities, food, artistic expressions are by excellence truly Romanian? How many of us recognize them? These are only a couple of the many questions we try to answer, not desperately, but with the interest of the person who is not only in love with tourism, its values, with its message over time. The article tries to underline the role of identity in the promotion of a tourist product, the Romanian village, a valuable treasure up to the present based on an adequate methodology of the tourism geography research (questionnaires, diagnosis, analytical prospecting, etc.).

Volume XI |

An empirical approach to traditional products from Europe compared to the traditional ones from Romania

Abstract: The traditional products exploitation is the source of income for many European manufacturers who have obtained the certification of traditional products at European level; thus, many of them avoided bankruptcy. This research has proposed to find out the situation at European and Romanian level for traditional product certification. In the end, conclusions were drawn based on the results, followed by ways to improve the situation in Romania.

Volume XI |

Opportunities for the development of tourism in Letea River levee of the Danube Delta biosphere reserve

Abstract: At the level of the Delta rural areas dominate. The river levee is Letea – C. A. Rosetti locality and it is considered the most isolated settlement in Romania. Making a strategic tool for tourism development in the Rosetti locality from turning its entire natural and cultural heritage has proven to be a multi-step problem, given the economic and social context of human settlements. Lifetime socio-economic development depends on a minimum shipping and road access. The main problem is to change the management of existing resources and to reduce the phenomenon of accentuated depopulation and the current economic underdevelopment. There are many drawbacks, and the last 20 years have brought essential positive changes to the community life. The degree of geographical isolation does not need to be primordial and may diminish its influence by expanding and upgrading communication lines and standard of living by making facilities and utilities, by diversifying local occupations. There are real opportunities for investment to start work and develop rural tourism in this situation.

Volume XI |

Aspects Concerning Tourism-Related Communication. Case Study: Poiana Ruscă Mountains (Romania)

Abstract: Tourism is a phenomenon where communication is particularly important, being largely responsible for converting prospective tourists, into actual tourists. The article is based on the paradigm, functions and factors of tourism-related communication, and analysis how tourism-related communication takes place in the Poiana Rusca Mountains tourist area. This is a mountain area with complex tourism potential, located within the 1.5 hours isochrone of several urban centers, which makes it attractive for weekend, proximity tourism. The analysis considered several components: communication within the emitting spaces, communication within the studied area, as well as communication using the cyberspace. Based on the general theory of communication and its practice in tourism, the conclusion reveals several restrictive elements on the side of the sender – advertising being in short supply and lacking a coherent message –, as well as on that of the receiver – the absence of a predilection for outdoor tourism and hiking.

Volume XI |

The possibility of developing a tourist ethno-folkloric route in the West Region, Romania

Abstract: These days when globalization is intended at a European level, culture and folklore are the elements that help us keep our identity. The folklore tourist resources of an area can be the starting points for the development of niche tourism.The West Region comprises four Romanian counties and numerous ethno-folkloric tourist resources.By presenting the most special resources I have tried to raise the interest of economic agents, local communities, specialists and potential tourists.