Volume XIII |

The analysis of the susceptibility of the flash-floodsʼ genesis in the area of the hydrographical basin of Bâsca Chiojdului river

Abstract: The present article aims to identify the areas with high susceptibility in the acceleration of the surface flowing of the water and thus, in the delivery of the flash-floods from the hydrographical basin of the Bâsca Chiojdului river, which is situated in one of the most vulnerable areas in Romania (bend area) at the hydrological phenomena of risk. The analysis of the susceptibility was possible by taking into consideration ten main factors that we considered to play an essential role in the genesis of the flash-floods. There resulted a map of the flankʼs surfaces with high susceptibility in the flash-floods’ delivery and their triggering at the layer level of the hydrographical network in the basin. The proposed index, FFSI (Flash Floods Susceptibility Index), resulted from the summation of the analyzed factors, presents mainly the highest values within the area of Drajna Depression, where most of the settlements from the basin are located. The high genesis susceptibility of the flash-floods in this area is due to the association of the most numerous risk factors that we analysed, namely lithology favourable to the pronounced flowing, slopes with high values, high degree of deforestation etc. The areas identified as being critical from the point of view of the potential of flash-floods formation present a high risk for the genesis and triggering other related phenomena such as floods and landslides.

Volume XII |

The vulnerability of the European Road 85 to blizzard, on the road section between Urziceni and Buzău

Abstract: The blizzard phenomenon is the climate risk that has the greatest impact on the road-ways in the South-Eastern part of Romania. The E85 section between Urziceni and Buzău has a great vulnerability to blizzard. Its vulnerability was proved during the 26th of January – the 14th of February 2012, when the road-way was blocked for 10 days. In order to establish the vulnerability level for E85 road, the section between Urziceni and Buzău, the Roads Vulnerability to Blizzard Index (RVBI) has been calculated and spatially modelled by using the GIS techniques. This index integrates several factors, such as: road sections orientation, buildings density in the vicinity of the road, width of the villages that are crossed by E85, the snow drift potential, within built-up areaʼs orientation to E85, the negative relief forms along the road section. The calculation of the RVBI points out that 74% of total length of the road present high and very high vulnerability during blizzard phenomenon. The road sections with high and very high vulnerability need protective measures, such as: forest belts plantation, using bigger snow fences, increasing the snow fences density and achieving more equipment for snow moving off by the local authorities.