Volume IX |

Comparison between the Oltenia Plain and the Southern Dobroudja Plateau in Terms of Pluviometric Deficit

Abstract: The Oltenia Plain and the Southern Dobroudja Plateau are two regions located in the two southern extremities, namely the south-western and the south-eastern extremities of Romania, which display distinct climatic features imposed by multiple climatic influences. The climatic evolution, especially in the last three decades, and the regional manifestations of the climatic phenomena related to global warming induced significant changes within the mentioned regions. In this context, we mention the pluviometric deficit. In the present paper, we have analysed the pluviometric deficit (annual and the warm semester of the year) within the Oltenia Plain and the Southern Dobroudja Plateau registered in the last half of the century (starting with 1961). We made a comparative analysis. The significant differences clearly emphasize the aridization tendency of the regional climate. The paper is useful for climatologists, as well as for students, master and PhD students.

Volume VIII |

Meteo-Climatic Risks in the Timiş Plain with Impact on Agriculture

Abstract: The paper aims at investigating the thermal stress and risk factors within the maximum sensitivity period of the winter wheat (heading – flowering – grain filling). Through their intensity, frequency and duration, they may have negative effects on the vegetation state, finally determining the reduced, moderate or severe crop yield reduction. The study was carried out at two meteorological stations, situated in the Timiş Plain: Timişoara and Banloc. Knowing the incidence, frequency, duration and intensity of the agrometeorological stress and risk parameters and of crops vulnerability, it gives the possibility to minimize their impact on the yields by adopting certain efficient strategies and measures for protection at local level.