Estimating Soil Erosion Exerted by Water in the Lower Sector of the Jiu River Floodplain and Băilești Plain
Abstract: This paper aims to identify the main areas prone to soil erosion exerted by water within the Băilești Plain and in the lower section of the Jiu River Corridor, a region with a very high agricultural potential. The study is concerned with rainfall erosion. Computing this type of erosion helps us to give better solutions for mitigating topsoil loss rate. For quantifying the amount of soil eroded, we used and adapted RUSLE equation. The obtained values we computed for RUSLE within our area range between 0 and 8.89 t-1/ha-1/yr-1. The most exposed areas to soil erosion exerted by water are located on the steep slopes, in the North-East of our study area, where the rainfall erosivity factor has the highest values, soil erodability factor (K-factor) is also very high, and cover-management factor (C) has the biggest value.