Volume XXI |

Ecosystem services versus wellbeing – implications for sustainable tourism: the host perspective

Abstract: This paper aims to compile red flags appearing at the interface of hosts’ wellbeing, ecosystem services (ES) and tourism, which have already been described in the literature. We focus on host communities in developing countries, as poor and disadvantaged people much more often depend directly on ES. We start with a description of the concepts ES and wellbeing. The second section describes prominent gaps and challenges in the ES–wellbeing interface, with special focus on those that can be relevant to tourism (such as the establishment of protected areas, the concept of paying for ES, poverty reduction, endowments vs entitlements). The third section is devoted to a discussion of the identified gaps and challenges. The last section contains conclusions and implications. These recommendations are global and fairly general indications that should be considered at the interface between ES, tourism and wellbeing policies, whatever the context.

Volume XX |

Treehouse tourism: issues and way forward

Abstract: Tourism is a major global sector relevant for many economies, however it is also recognized that tourism brings various negative social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts. This is particularly the case of conventional/mass tourism. Different forms of so called – alternative tourism – are supposed to offset these negative impacts and to promote a more sustainable development. Treehouse tourism (TT) fits within these new sustainable and experiential trend. We must also recognize a grooving need to provide unique, specific travel and accommodation experiences by the tour operators and hoteliers, in order to be competitive with others. This, in turn, leads to an overuse of the term sustainable, in the situations which are not sustainable at all. Still, though the TT is widely recognized by world tour operators, the academic literature and associable debate on this topic is almost non-existent. The present article focuses on specifics, gaps and challenges of TT from biological, social and environmental perspective. At the end, most remarkable recommendations are provided – including the general TT model. Because of lack of previous literature, debate and the comparable statistics, the paper should be considered more as a start of debate, than a comprehensive analysis.

Volume XX |

Sustainable tourism and community-based tourism in small islands: a policy analysis

Abstract: The importance of the tourism sector to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) relies on their “islandness”. Tourism contributes to its socio-economic development in many ways. However, their heavy dependence on foreign entities and expertise has encumbered processes that ensure greater local control, ownership, participation, and avoidance of leakages. Unshackling these dependencies is one of the biggest challenges faced by SIDS in their quest to self-determination and emancipatory futures. The article argues that new pathways and trajectories have to be found to induce the required change where sustainability and inclusivity become fundamental for self-determination, social justice, and a just tourism. The article suggests the establishment of specific island policies that support sustainability and Community-based Tourism (CBT). The suggestions also include the establishment of a regional CBT hub for Islands within a region. This article is a conceptual paper based on secondary data, journal articles, books and government documents.

Volume XIX |

A model of CBT networks and organizations: an African perspective and beyond

Abstract: Community-based tourism networks (CBT-N) are important both locally and globally. However, few studies are dedicated to CBT-N. This paper fills this gap and includes an examination of two CBT networks/associations (CBT-N) to validate their role and service in CBT. The two African CBT-Ns examined in this paper show the real need for partnerships and collaborations with various entities and the multiple services that the CBT-N offers for training, funding, marketing, capacity building and empowerment. This paper reviews related literature and the African CBT-N as a case study and proposes a CBT-N model. The model, while not claiming to be all-inclusive, attempts to illustrate the variety of possible collaborators within CBT-N and the wide range of services and activities that the various entities, in primis the CBT-N itself, can propose, harness and manage.