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Abstract: The current study focuses on the investigation of soil organic carbon in Technosols in Kula Municipality. It has several aims. There is a need of a provision of more data, regarding carbon sequestration rates in topsoils in plains that are formed in subhumid climatic conditions. Another aim is to check the comparability of the in-profile cultural layer with other ones that are built in different climatic conditions. Objects of the research are contemporary since buried soil horizons play a major part on the provision of essential ecosystem services. The characteristics of soil organic matter are determined by a chemical analysis of six soil samples in the laboratories of the Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection (ISSAPP) “N. Pushkarov”. The total carbon content is determined by the test of Turin and soil color is determined by Munsell Soil Color Charts (1975). Soil organic carbon values in topsoil vary from 670,000 tons/ha to 1,240,000 tons/ha. Organic carbon in the studied sites represents less than 1% of the soil sample. The study may be regarded as the first step in the assessment of Bulgarian Technosols and their role in the global carbon cycle.
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