Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify, assess and rank the geomorphosites with touristic potential from the central – southern part of the Parâng Mountains. The touristic assessment of geomorphosites was based on the method elaborated by J.P. Pralong in 2005, which was initially applied on two areas from the Alps. The touristic value of the geomorphological sites is the arithmetical mean result of four values (scenic, scientific, cultural and economic). For each value, points were scored, according to 4 – 6 criteria, highlighting, where necessary, the particularities generated by the studied area. The ranking of geomorphosites represents the base for their inclusion in promotional materials elaborated by authorities or private operators from the region. The promotion of landforms that have acquired a certain value represents, besides the promotion of cultural attractions, the starting point in the touristic development which the region aims at.