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Abstract: Because of its natural differences, the Goč Mountain and its foothill was respected and taken as experimental space of Central Serbia. This territory covers 402.1 square kilometers and is spread between 166 and 1127 m above the sea level. Exactly 26 settlements on the territory of the Goč Mountain and its foothill were observed. Functional characteristics were determined for every single settlement. Determination has reclined on the data of employees, by fields of activities. The results from the 1971 census were compared with those from 2002. At the end, the results were illustrated on two different ways. One has had the form of triangle and other has the form of a map. The triangle from 1971 clearly shows that the majority (53.8%) of settlements had “agriculture – industry” characteristics. After thirty years, only two settlements in the mountainous part of the territory didn’t change their characteristics. Most of the settlements have “industry – service” or “service – industry” characteristics. In comparison with the micro-regions from Central Serbia, the Goč Mountain and its foothill have very good conditions for agricultural development. More than 45% of the territory does not exceed 300 m above the sea level. Climate conditions are optimal. The space is rich in underground waters and small river streams. The agricultural fields account for more than 41% of the Goč Mountain and its foothill. About 13% of territory covers fertile alluvial soil etc. However, in 2002, there was not registered a single settlement with “agricultural” characteristics.
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